Clean up your code with quality tools

Marijke Luttekes 10:55 stage 🎤
Consistency is my favorite word in programming. How you write code affects how easy it is to share, review, and maintain. However, which programmer wants to spend all this time brushing up their code? We are developers, and we want to automate things instead!
Luckily, there are a myriad of tools that help teams write clean code and even fix common mistakes for you. I will show you how to implement black, isort, and ruff in your project.
About Marijke
Back-end web developer, Django, HTML enthusiast. With over ten years of web development experience, Marijke (pronounced Mah-Rye-Kuh) knows her way around code. She is a big fan of future-proof coding and tries to pass on her passion to others through coaching and mentoring.
Sometimes, Marijke compares the coming to life of her code to Frankenstein’s monster (“It’s alive!”). But then to a happy Frankenstein because her code doesn’t destroy the world. At least, we hope so…